我认识的一位买方经纪人告诉我,他经常与他所代理的买方分享部分费用. Also, 他在交易结束后向买方付款,但没有显示HUD-1结算声明中显示的付款. Isn't that illegal?

《2021十大正规彩票app许可法》不禁止经纪人与委托人分享费用. 然而,任何费用分摊安排都应在HUD-1结算声明中披露.

Sellers and buyers signing the HUD-1 Settlement Statement represent that the settlement statement is a true and accurate statement of all receipts and disbursements made in connection with closing of the transaction. HUD-1和解声明通常包含一个警告,即在其上作出虚假陈述是一种联邦犯罪,可处以罚款或监禁. 参与任何在交易结束后向买家付款的计划的经纪人都可能面临类似的处罚.

Note: REALTORS® advertising or otherwise representing that they will share fees with a party in a transaction must disclose in the ad that the rebate is subject to the consent of the party that the broker represents. Also, 如果退税取决于某些限制, 比如贷款人的批准, 该广告必须包含一项披露,即回扣的支付受到限制.