Revisions were made to the Seller’s Disclosure Notice, Residential Lease, and Residential Lease for a Multi-Family Property Unit due to actions during the 86th Texas Legislature.

Revised Residential Lease (TXR 2001) and Residential Lease for a Multi-Family Property Unit (TXR 2011)

Senate Bill 1414, 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®在2019年立法会议上支持哪些, 修订了《2021十大正规彩票app》第92章中关于迟交租金的费用的规定.


Previously, late fees were allowed after one day.

现在有一个安全港,滞纳金不超过一定的百分比, 根据法律,该费用自动被认为是合理的. Any late fee is still required to be reasonable. Under the safe harbor, 位于不超过四个住宅单元的建筑物内的出租住宅, 如果滞纳金不超过租约所订租期租金的12%,即属合理.

例如:租户每月的租金是1000美元,租户没有及时支付租金. To fall under the safe harbor, 房东收取的滞纳金总额不应超过120美元.

用于位于包含四个以上住宅单元的结构中的出租住宅, 如果迟交的费用不超过租约所订租期租金的10%,即属合理.

不属于安全港的滞纳金仍然可以被认为是合理的. 只要不超过安全港限制,这些费用就会自动变得合理. 但即使是超过这些限制的滞纳金也可以被认为是合理的, 只要费用与房东可能因迟交租金而合理造成的损害相符. 例如,这些损害可能包括与收取逾期付款有关的费用.

A tenant may request a written statement of his late fee. 租客可以要求一份书面声明,说明他是否欠滞纳金, if so, the amount of that fee. 房东必须通过房东和租客之间经常使用的书面沟通方式向租客提供声明.

For example, if the landlord and tenant usually communicate by email, that would be the way to deliver the written statement. A landlord’s failure to respond, however, 不影响承租人对欠房东的任何滞纳金的责任.

该修正案适用于2019年9月1日或之后签订或续签的租赁. Changes have been made to the Residential Lease (TXR 2001) and the Residential Lease for a Multi-Family Property Unit (TXR 2011),以反映在收取滞纳金之前必须未付租金的天数的增加. You can view the redline changes on the Adopted Forms page of 由于增加了立法,还作出了其他一些微小的改变.

Revised Seller’s Disclosure Notice (TXR 1406)

Questions were added to the Seller’s Disclosure Notice (TXR 1406)由于Texas REALTORS®支持的法案,并于1986年通过th Texas Legislature. These questions concern flooding, 例如,卖方的财产是否全部或部分位于100年或500年的洪泛平原上, 卖方是否曾就洪水损害提出索赔, 物业是否遭受非因淹水而造成的水损, if the property has present flood coverage, 如果以前由于水库的破裂而发生过洪水, 以及之前是否有由于自然洪水事件导致的水渗透到该物业的建筑物中.

The revised version of the Seller’s Disclosure Notice 必须在2019年9月1日之后签订的销售合同中使用. You can see a redlined version of the Seller’s Disclosure Notice in the Adopted Forms page on