电子书, 检查清单, 指南, and other downloads or exclusive content can be used as digital products to supplement your marketing—and if you already have content to build on, without using much more of your time.

You can use digital products for lead generation, where the product is offered in exchange for prospects submitting contact information. Or, you can distribute them to clients to build goodwill and encourage referrals.

Here are some examples of digital products as a starting place for your own brainstorming:

  • 社区指南
  • 电子书 on the buying or selling process specific to a region or property type
  • Glossary of local resources for downpayment assistance and programs to help buyers
  • Step-by-step relocation 指南
  •  Workbooks for first-time buyers on preparing to own a home
  • Checklists for moving or home maintenance essentials
  • New homeowner 指南 with lessons from past clients.