
Reach out to any current volunteer or staff member with questions about opportunities.

Every great contribution 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® ever made in the way of #ShapingTexas started with a challenge or idea shared at a committee meeting. We, 成员, 是我们自己最大的财富吗, and we chart our own course through a member-led governance process. Many of you were just awarded coveted seats on 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® committees. 作为你服务的一部分, 我希望你能和我一起分享如何轻松, 重要的, 参与其中很有趣.

首先检查你的本地, 状态, and national association websites and calendars to see when the next meetings or events are scheduled. Most are open, meaning any REALTOR® may attend. Most association websites will also contain descriptions of committees and requisite experience, along with a list of members and contact information. Don’t make the mistake I made in assuming you are not qualified or experienced enough because you are new, 年轻的, 或者其他你可能想到的. Reach out to any current volunteer or staff member with questions about opportunities and time commitments. 许多伟大的角色只需要很少的时间. Recruitment of new talent is our number-one job as leaders, so don’t be shy about contacting us. 我们为你工作.

The 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® committee process begins with a sign-up period usually open in early summer. 去德州2021十大正规彩票app公司.com and be sure your profile is up to date and you are set to receive notifications, so you won’t miss the announcement of when the sign-up tool opens and closes. A reference letter from your local AE and/or your local president is always a plus to include with your application. The information you provide is matched with a member engagement tool that houses data on your past participation and special skills or accomplishments. 利用这些信息, the five-member 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® 领导 Team meets for two or three days to place who we hope are the right people in the right seats. 尽一切努力提供第一选择, but that is not always possible due to the need for geographic, 多样性, 经验分配, 以及有限的委员会规模. Some will be asked to serve on a committee for which they did not apply. When that happens, it’s because we needed you there. Participation at the local level as well as graduation from the 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® 领导 Program are major advantages, 所以不要忽视这些机会.

Exciting news will be coming soon about mentorship opportunities. 在那之前,寻找你自己的导师. Let that person know if you have aspirations beyond committee participation. She can help you chart a path, not just to win an election, but to be an effective leader. 我有这样的导师, 在我即将结束一年的主席任期之际, I must again thank Randy Jeffers and Brooke Hunt for their early guidance, and all our past chairs for the profound wisdom and time they so generously shared.