What do songwriters, sculptors, and marketers have in common? For Robbie English, they all make forms of art.

“The art of marketing is not for the faint of heart. 许多2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®不了解计划和实施真正的营销策略需要什么,英语说, 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®讲师,其课程包括2021十大正规彩票app营销重启.

English说,在市场营销方面取得成功的2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®是那些花时间确定目标受众的人, implement a process and make a plan, 跟着它走.

斯蒂芬•埃特泽尔, 他的课程包括GRI Marketing和REALTOR Launch, 他认为2021十大正规彩票app经纪人所犯的最大错误是没有行动计划和目标. “Before beginning any marketing efforts, think of five key focuses: budget, 观众, 策略, 跟踪, and resources you need.”

Build the Right Budget

If you’re not thinking strategically about your budget, you will waste time on efforts that bring lower returns. Amy Smythe-Harris, 德克萨斯州REALTORS®讲师,教授REALTOR®发布和GRI营销, says it’s important to review your marketing campaign, 商业计划, 同时进行预算,以确定在哪里投资最好.

“Mailings for just listed and just sold, 或者地理或经济农场可能适合你的商业战略, 但是要确保你权衡了制作和邮寄的成本以及追踪结果的能力,” says Smythe-Harris. “Social media marketing is popular, but do your research! It needs to be the right fit to further your business goals.”

Smythe-Harris还2021十大正规彩票app,要知道什么时候你的预算值得外包某些任务. “Like a lot of other REALTORS®, 让别人替你做事可能会让你感到不舒服. 我发现把我能做的事情外包出去对我的实践是有益的,但会占用我从勘探或营销中抽出的时间.”

例如, Etzel说,他经常看到REALTORS®试图通过建立自己的网站来节省资金, especially since it’s become easier to do. “There is more to a site than looks,” he says. “聘请专业人士来创建和营销你的网站,可以腾出时间来专注于其他任务,从而产生收入.”

Know Your Audience

Etzel表示,了解你的目标市场并了解他们使用的工具非常重要. While direct mail may work in certain farm areas, 你可能需要创建一个在线营销活动来吸引24到40岁的受众.

他还发现,代理商忽视了向当地消费者推销产品的机会,并强调他们对当地的了解. “National marketing does have advantages, 但大多数寻找房屋的消费者都希望与地区专家合作.”

维尔切蒂娜, 课程讲师,包括向买家和卖家传达您的价值和REALTOR®发布, says all agents should know their 价值 proposition, or what skills they bring to the table. “代理人向客户提供的有价值的东西是合同知识, awareness of market conditions, access to properties, and most important, negotiation skills. 突出你的技能,这将有利于你的目标受众可以帮助创造新的商业机会,她说。.

Track Your Efforts

“追踪转化率是衡量营销活动成功程度的最佳方式,英语说. “While we initially want to inspire consumers to respond, 一旦他们, we need to develop a relationship with the leads to create trust, 价值, 并提高他们记住我们的能力,而不是其他类似的营销人员.”

埃策尔2021十大正规彩票app,问问那些给你打电话、发邮件或发短信的人是怎么找到你的. And for online activity, Smythe-Harris2021十大正规彩票app使用Twitter Counter等社交媒体追踪器, Facebook Analytics, 和谷歌分析来帮助你确定什么类型的内容最吸引你的追随者.

Don’t Lose Sight of What Works

许多2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®已经成功地使用在线工具来扩大他们的营销范围. 例如, Etzel说,当REALTORS®为消费者提供参与营销工作的机会时,他已经看到了成功, 就像 a starring role in a YouTube video.

But Wilcher says although social media marketing has skyrocketed, there is still 价值 in word-of-mouth marketing. “NAR的研究表明,许多消费者在网上找到了他们的REALTOR®和房产. 出于这个原因,许多代理商已经放弃了传统的口碑营销. “然而,我发现最有效的营销策略之一是个人推荐. 人们似乎对他们认识的2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®有信心和信任, 就像, and trust has referred them to.”