Representatives of 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® and other REALTOR® associations in Texas showcased the Lone Star State’s real estate investment opportunities to more than 28,来自100多个国家的1000名与会者 Le marchire international des professionnels de l ' immobiler (国际地产投资交易会), the world’s leading global real estate business development and networking event in Cannes, 法国. This year is the first time 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® represented Texas on this international stage.

Dallas-based REALTOR® and 2019 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® 全球 Committee Chairman Hanne Sagalowsky is a longtime MIPIM attendee and is proud that 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® was represented at this year’s event. “我看过北卡罗来纳州, 个别城市……, 新泽西,我一直以为, “德克萨斯在哪里?”?’ I saw a real need for 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® to be at MIPIM alongside the others promoting economic development in their states. As a REALTOR®, economic development is something we should all be aware of and interested in.”

But how exactly does an event that took place more than 5,000 miles away from Texas affect you?


“There are people coming to MIPIM from all over the world,” says Sagalowsky. “We were there not promoting individual people, but to promote Texas.”

Socar Chatmon-Thomas, 奥斯汀的一位经纪人,也是MIPIM的参与者, says the goal of attending MIPIM is getting foreign investors to choose Texas. “有投资者, 项目经理, and developers consider Texas for their housing projects and investment dollars is crucial to our economy,她说。.

Holly Hightower, a broker associate in Tyler, feels similarly about MIPIM. “我们参加是因为德州有很多东西可以提供. We have land, tax benefits, infrastructure, and connectivity. 商业业务激发住宅业务. 这对德州的2021十大正规彩票app来说太棒了. 它是残余的和膨胀的.”

While many visitors who met with the Texas delegation were excited to get a special souvenir—a Texas-shaped lapel pin—it wasn’t pins that left a positive impression on attendees. 金伯利Bragman, 一个来自圣安东尼奥的经纪人, says the 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® presence at MIPIM showed attendees the benefits of working with members of the REALTOR® association. “因为德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®可以访问全州数据, 成员可以提供状态, 全市, or community information tailored to the specific investors we meet with,布拉格曼说。. “Each Texas community has different strengths and opportunities.”

Sagalowsky says foreign investors and buyers coming to the U.S. had previously focused on the East and West Coasts, but she’s seen a growing interest in Texas. “We’ve become much more attractive to investors and to buyers. 其中一个原因是我们的价格还比较实惠, 尤其是与旧金山相比, 洛杉矶, 东北地区.”


The connections REALTORS® from Texas made during MIPIM are already starting to spark interest from foreign investors.

“Since the event, I have made contact with several 项目经理,” says Chatmon-Thomas. These contacts have asked for her help 市场ing properties located in their country to the U.S. 市场.

Hightower also says she’s been in touch with people she met at MIPIM. “We are forging relationships and communicating regarding possibilities for collaboration and investment.”

Bragman says networking that stems from attending MIPIM is a relationship-building process, 但她已经看到了积极的影响. “The most positive immediate outcome has been the interaction with my city’s economic development foundation and the local chambers of commerce,她说。. “They realize the opportunities from foreign investors and were anxious to hear our results and feedback. We feel that our participation continues to increase our stature as the voice of real estate to our community leaders and business organizations.”