AI brings with it new responsibilities for agents and brokers.马里昂拿破仑


  • 人工智能:计算机完成复杂任务的能力,否则需要人工完成.
  • Chatbot: A program that uses AI to understand and 回应 to questions.
  • 深度学习:机器学习的一个子集,它使用多个网络通过处理大量信息来学习和改进.
  • Machine Learning: The study of using data and algorithms to teach machines.
  • 虚拟助手:人工智能驱动的软件,可以模仿对话并完成任务. 例如亚马逊的Alexa、苹果的Siri、谷歌助手和微软的Cortana.

首先是一些好消息: 作为一名2021十大正规彩票app经纪人,你不会有被人工智能取代的危险.

然而,你有一天可能会被一个有效使用人工智能的代理所取代. 该代理将提供与您相同的服务,只是速度更快、效率更高.

So warns 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® instructor 马里昂拿破仑, the broker/owner of Unlimited Realty Solutions in Grand Prairie. She teaches the course AI and Tech Trends Impacting Real Estate.

Her advice is to stop thinking about AI as a single tool or set of tools. It’s closer to having another you helping you work. 用外行人的话来说, 人工智能只是利用技术以比通常情况下更快的速度完成任务,她解释道.


You have probably been using AI without even realizing it, Napoleon says. AI is behind many familiar technologies.

AI powers virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa. Real estate databases such as RPR use AI. Virtual and augmented reality platforms, from staging to floor plans? 你猜对了:人工智能. Even social media platforms utilize it. 你怎么看待照片的色彩过滤和视频的特效?

Chatbots are perhaps one of the most well-known examples of AI. 这些程序可以作为24小时的第一个联络点为您的业务:回答问题和安排约会从您的网站.

ChatGPT is an AI platform that can interact, 回应, and provide information as if it was a human having a conversation. 代理商正在寻找各种方法,将这种技术和其他内容生成技术应用于2021十大正规彩票app行业. “These technologies can write listing descriptions, 营销材料, 通信, 政策, 和程序,拿破仑说.

AI used to sound unnatural and robotic; now it can be virtually indistinguishable from the author.




  • 谷歌的巴德,巴德.谷歌.com
  • OpenAI的
  • Canva 's Magic Write,


  • DeepBrain AI,
  • Kapwing,
  • Steve AI,
  • Synthesia,


  • ContentStudio,
  • 近来,最近.ai
  • 做一个视频,人工智能.脸谱网.com
  • Vista Social, Vista


The major advantages of AI include speed and convenience. AI draws from and analyzes huge amounts of data quickly. Ask Alexa a question and it scours the internet for an answer. A listing description may take you an hour to write; AI drafts it in seconds.

Furthermore, AI can learn and improve. 拿破仑可以给内容生成AI她的写作的例子,并要求它模仿她的写作风格. 她也可以让它给一份文件一个更专业的语气,或者让它更随意. AI used to sound unnatural and robotic; now it can be virtually indistinguishable from the author.


即使不是你写的, 您仍然要对以您和您的经纪人的名义生成的内容负责. Ensure any material created by AI does not violate 政策, 规则, 和法律, 包括公平住房法, 不动产许可证法案, TREC规则, 以及《全国2021十大正规彩票app经纪人协会道德准则.

You must also be mindful of how AI created the things you want. What sources did AI use and where did they come from? 这些消息来源可信吗?? Do those materials belong to someone else? 拿破仑说:“最大的风险是,你所提取的信息只是互联网上的一小部分。. “No one is checking to see where that information is coming from. 抄袭是一个大问题.”

人工智能用户应该采取额外的步骤来审查和编辑人工智能生成的内容. 用你自己的话来说. Use programs that cite sources, such as Google’s AI model, Bard. 语法和其他工具可以检查抄袭,以及标记和引用来源. Make sure your sources are credible and impartial. 她说:“特别是如果你试图发布这些信息,你必须确保它是OK的。.

AI technology is developing rapidly and has incredible potential. Napoleon believes there should be guidelines governing its use. 与此同时, 确保你对人工智能的使用不仅符合法律法规,而且符合你的经纪公司的政策和程序,以及常识. 像对待任何其他互联网连接工具一样对待它,并考虑隐私和数据安全.


“我认为很多人害怕这项技术,因为他们不了解它,拿破仑说. “They see it as scary, as taking over the world. 或者它会取代人类.”

但要避免,后果自负. Napoleon gives the example of Blockbuster versus Netflix. Consumers used to rent movies from Blockbuster stores. Blockbuster无法与Netflix更便捷的服务竞争:首先是邮寄dvd, 然后是流媒体视频. The same thing will happen to agents who do not fully leverage AI technology. “采用人工智能的企业将能够更快地为他们的代理商和客户提供服务, 更大的经验,她说。.

消费者会改变他们的期望,开始期望一定水平的服务. 他们自己也会开始采用这项技术,你需要跟上. “看看虚拟现实工具. 虽然它们非常酷,但很多人一开始并没有采用它们,”她说. “既然价格实惠,它真的可以帮助那些无法前往房屋参观的买家.”

Napoleon has used AI to generate and animate avatars for online marketing videos. “I built an avatar and brought it to life. 它代表了我,”她说. “I ran the information through AI. In seconds, AI takes the script and makes a nice video. 我想造多少就造多少.”

She says early adopters like her were able to grow with the technology. 拿破仑曾写过她如何将人工智能融入生活的方方面面. 例如,她要求人工智能为她制定每日日程,并起草健康膳食计划. 她在一天的工作中向虚拟助手询问2021十大正规彩票app信息.

By delegating certain tasks to AI, Napoleon can focus on the creative and executive tasks only she can do. AI also frees up her schedule so she can do more of the activities she enjoys. “Now it doesn’t take me months to write a curriculum or years to write a book. AI has the ability to tap into our world and make it absolutely amazing.”