Chelsea Buchholtz于1月1日开始担任德克萨斯州2021十大正规彩票app委员会的执行董事和德克萨斯州评估师许可和认证委员会的专员. 她曾担任TREC的总法律顾问,是该委员会的第一位女性执行董事.

What’s the most important thing REALTORS® should know about TREC?

我们只是来帮忙的. 我们的机构可以通过平衡消费者保护和在不断变化的市场中支持持续经济增长的监管来完成它的使命.

要做到这一点,我们需要成功的、受过良好培训和知情的执照持有人. 当我们的许可证持有者装备精良时,TREC的工作就容易多了.

How do you see the relationship between TREC and 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®?

首先,重要的是要提醒大家,TREC和德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®不是同一个实体. We each have our own missions, and people often get us confused.

TREC is the agency that licenses agents and brokers and protects consumers. We regulate license holders and enforce laws.
对我个人来说,与执照持有者和代表他们说话的协会保持健康的关系很重要, 尤其是德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®.

We may not always be in lockstep because we have different roles. But our missions do overlap; they’re not identical. 考虑到这一点, it’s important for TREC and 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® to be candid, 交际, 并且彼此透明, and provide the benefit of the doubt to each other. I think that’s happening really well right now. 我致力于让它继续下去. I would say our relationship is strong and getting stronger.

What has been your primary focus since starting as executive director?

我首先关注的是人员配置. 在担任执行董事之前,我是法律总顾问,所以我需要雇一个人来接替我. 我需要一个财务总监.

My other focus is organizational planning. 我们能做到最好吗? How could we be more responsive to the needs of consumers and license holders? How do we need to spend our energy and time in terms of our initiatives?

委员会主席斯科特·凯斯纳(Scott Kesner)和我计划在德克萨斯州进行一次旅行,向许可证持有者询问这些问题. We couldn’t complete that schedule of in-person meetings, but we will continue that remotely in the next month or two.


好吧,现在一个明显的挑战是COVID-19以及它如何改变了事情. There are so many unknowns associated with it.
此外,我们还面临着一个挑战,即如何最好地接触到许可证持有者,因为他们的数量太多了. 如果你把估价师和所有我们授权的2021十大正规彩票app专业人士结合起来, 我们有200多个,000执照持有人. 在个人层面上与这些人接触是一个挑战,但这对我来说非常重要. 这20多万人有不同的意见和需求,我们希望支持他们.

至于机会,我会说这是一个重新开始的机会,一个新的开始. With every transition comes an opportunity for something new: relationally, 在文化上, 和组织. I’m not looking for any sort of wholesale change, 但我想借此机会回顾和改变必要的东西,并以我独特的风格和愿景来领导.

很明显, 冠状病毒大流行将影响2021十大正规彩票app专业人士在不久的将来开展业务的方式.

What would you like REALTORS® to know about TREC’s position going forward?

好吧, 我感觉到这个行业对未来的经济环境有一种警惕和恐惧.

让我们知道我们能帮上什么忙. I anticipate that there will be opportunities. 大家都会有问题. 为了让人们在这个新世界中发挥作用,某些规则需要改变吗? 也许. 我不知道. 但我们希望对此持开放态度. 这次大流行肯定会带来很多创新. 我们希望保持领先地位,保持灵活,支持这种创新.

There’s a lot that has changed at TREC related to the coronavirus. 我们的接待团队现在接听电话和电子邮件的速度比以往任何时候都要快. Even though they’re doing so from their homes, on many days our hold times have improved to under 10 seconds. We are very ready and willing to help. 我们有能力这样做.

我们的网站上也有很多工具,比如应用程序状态搜索,这些工具允许许可证持有者自己帮助自己,甚至不需要与人交谈. We want to be very accessible, and that’s one opportunity for us to do so.


我在州政府工作的经历帮助我了解我们的州政府机构结构和等级制度, 从我们任命的委员到我们与州长办公室和立法机关的关系. 之前在州政府工作的经历让我对自己的角色感到熟悉和舒适.

The legal training is a backbone for how I make decisions and how I think. 这让我非常感谢那些为我们机构提供法律支持和2021十大正规彩票app的人. There’s great complexity to some of this work in real estate, and I’m really grateful that the lawyers can help simplify it. 我很感激我能够依靠他们的专业知识,我可以问问题.

What does it mean to be the first female to hold your position?

这绝对是我的荣幸. While I am the first female head of the agency, there has been strong female leadership above and below my role, such as former Commission Chair Avis Wukasch. We’ve also had female general counsels and female division directors.

I do think a female in this role brings a unique perspective. 对我来说,我目前正在平衡这份工作的特权和做母亲的特权. 在我之前,已经有一代女性走了,为了让下一代人更容易. 我很感激.

Anything else you’d like to share with the members of 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®?

I am proud to be associated with your organization. This is a hard time for many in real estate and even beyond real estate. I have no doubt that we will see great resiliency in this hard time. 作为TREC的执行董事, I lead an agency that plays a specific role as a licensing entity, 但我想以极大的善意和谦卑来履行这个角色.

在加入TREC之前, Chelsea Buchholtz是德克萨斯州土地办公室社区发展和振兴项目的副主任. 她曾担任德克萨斯州少年司法部门的参谋长,并担任助理总法律顾问和前州长的政策顾问. 里克•佩里. When she is not helping to safeguard consumers, Buchholtz enjoys spending time with her family, 烹饪, 烤酸面包, 和运行.