
德克萨斯州保险部门要求产权公司能够搜索到1979年. However, most title plants can search further back than that, says Moore. Title companies can find starter files that refer to older documents. 她说,1990年的起始文件可能包括20世纪40年代地役权的背景信息.

一些微缩胶片的记录可以一直追溯到德克萨斯州头衔历史的开始,并且是由西班牙国王授权的, 她指出.

You’re no stranger to working with title companies. 托管人员帮助您的客户获得产权保险和协调关闭,以及其他任务. But how much do you know about what they do and the title industry as a whole?

Title insurance is essential to the real estate and lending industries, 道恩·伊诺克·摩尔说, 忠诚产权公司的创始人. 没有它, 你的客户无法确信他们真正拥有自己的房子——或者以抵押品为抵押借款.


Title insurance is different than other types of insurance.

Most consumer insurance policies—think car or homeowners insurance—assume risk. A policy gives you money if an adverse event qualifies for reimbursement.

In contrast, title insurance eliminates risk. 一次性收费, 你得到保证,一旦你拥有房产,所有权就不会被剥夺. That’s because the title company will defend against any lawsuits attacking title, 或者如果有承保损失(例如所有权归属于不同于保险单上所述的所有者), the title company will compensate you for the amount of the policy.

产权公司通过搜索房产历史来确保没有未付债务, 留置权, or heirs that could contest the buyer’s ownership. 在买家购买房产之前,公司还会解决产权链中发现的任何欺诈或伪造行为.



摩尔说:“不良行为者冒充卖家,利用2021十大正规彩票app经纪人的服务。. “It’s fraud, but to an agent, it can sound legitimate. 我们有10家承销商, and we’re probably getting three memos a week, warning everyone about a particular person or property.”

To learn more, read the article on page 22.



在德州获得执照, 产权公司必须拥有或租赁产权工厂:特殊的软件或归档系统来搜索地理索引的产权记录. 托管人员使用财产的法律描述来搜索记录,并审查财产信息的运行表. 官员们还会搜索买方和卖方的名字,以确保没有税务或判决留置权, 摩尔说.

在罕见的情况下,一个县没有具有地理索引title记录的本地title代理, 产权专业人员必须去县法院手动进行授予人-被授予人搜索. That’s tracing the property history backward one sale at a time.

Most properties need some kind of correction, 或者治疗工作, 他们的标题信息, 根据摩尔. 它可能是一些简单的事情,比如纠正法律描述中的错误, 订购按揭付款证明, or ordering homeowners or property association information. 如果问题不大,产权公司可以在卖方的许可下自行处理.

The escrow officer’s work depends on the property, 摩尔说. “If a property has changed hands often and everything’s up to date, we could close in as little as three days.”

在一个家族世代相传的房产上工作并不像你想象的那么容易, 虽然. 产权代理人需要通过遗嘱认证和遗嘱来追溯财产,以确定继承权. 这可能需要30到45天.

当已故房主的遗产没有整理好时,官员也必须做重要的工作, 她说, 如若没有意志. “We have to make sure there are no unknown heirs. Sometimes people sign affidavits and they forget to include someone, or they don’t think an estranged son is entitled to the property. We have to search obituaries or just Google these people.”

复杂的问题, such as untangling IRS tax or judgment 留置权, 破产, 或者即将取消抵押品赎回权, 可能需要聘请律师. Title companies can work to get lien releases against the property, 但这些并不免除债务人对债务的任何个人责任,如果余额仍然存在.


An escrow agent can countersign title insurance forms, supervise the preparation and signing of title insurance forms, 签署托管支票, 完成交易, according to the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI). TDI向托管代理颁发为期两年的执照,这些代理必须完成继续教育. On-the-job training is key for escrow agents, 摩尔说.


In theory, you can buy and sell a property without title insurance, 摩尔说. If you pay cash and all of the paperwork is clean and in order, it can be done. 但这样做是有风险的.

对于绝大多数交易,产权保险建立了开展业务所需的信任. Buyers want to know they truly own the property.

房主以房屋为抵押进行二次抵押贷款,以支付孩子的教育费用, 例如. Clean title records allow this to happen.

Title insurance is the product title companies offer, 但产权公司在2021十大正规彩票app交易过程中还提供其他重要服务. “我们筹集资金, 留置权, 和账单, and then handle the final exchange between buyer and seller,摩尔说. “然后我们记录交易,确保一切都在契约中,所有权已经转移.”

产权公司负责实际交割和修改所有的记录,使所有的东西都是最新的和准确的. If title companies disappeared tomorrow, the property records would be in disarray within five years, 摩尔的估计. “We are constantly cleaning them up and correcting legal documents, sometimes requiring the prior owners’ signatures. 如果你等上几年,你可能得去找房产所有者的遗嘱执行人.”

How you can make the title process smoother


2021十大正规彩票app专业人士不应该期望这个过程是无缝的,也不应该期望托管人员永远不需要与客户交谈. Questions will arise, but with good communication, surprises won’t, 摩尔说.

Staying in touch is essential for preventing fraud during the transaction, she adds. “我们必须更加谨慎,确保与我们联系的人是合法的卖家.“代理商应该了解他们的卖家, do due diligence in verifying information, and stay in contact with escrow officers.

“良好的沟通非常重要. Work with us as a team and we can figure it out together.”