To learn more about the Shaping Texas Conference and register, visit

In 2005, my broker encouraged me to attend my first 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® conference since it would be in nearby Corpus Christi. (Yes, a two-hour drive is “nearby” when you live in Harlingen.我不知道会发生什么. 确定, I knew there would be education sessions and business events and social gatherings, but I had no idea what my actual experience would feel like or whether it would be worth my time.

Some of the details of that conference blur together with the many others I’ve attended in the years since, but I can tell you this: I came away energized with new information, 热情, and a greater appreciation of our association and industry. I had spent time among some of the brightest people in real estate. I learned new ideas for how to do business and what trends to prepare for in the future. Most important of all, I met people who have become some of my closest business contacts and friends.

If you’ve never been to a 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® conference, I’ll share what it’s like and why you should come to the Shaping Texas Conference being held in San Antonio September 7-10. There’s an excitement to the events—a feeling that you’re getting information and an experience you just won’t find anywhere else. You’ll hear stories from elected officials and political insiders about what’s really going on. 你将获得CE学分, but the real value is the knowledge you’ll gain in education sessions on technology, 市场营销, 销售, 减少风险, 或者其他你选择的话题.

你会笑. 无论是从演讲者的轶事, a colleague’s story from the real estate trenches, or an instructor describing a real transaction that went awry (probably all three and more), you will find lots of opportunities to smile. 你会得到启发. I’m really looking forward to hearing this year’s keynote speaker, retired U.S. 海军四星上将威廉·H. 麦克雷文.

All this and I haven’t even mentioned the social events yet. 会有招待会, 一个晚会, 早餐, 午餐, and dinners—and countless informal opportunities to network with other REALTORS® between sessions or while strolling on the River Walk during off times.

I know a top reason members come to a 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® conference for the first time is that a colleague or broker asks them. If that hasn’t happened to you yet, consider this my personal invitation. 当你在开会的时候, please say hi to me and other association officers and let us know it’s your first time attending. 圣安东尼奥见!