在今天的2021十大正规彩票app行业,任何积极招聘的经纪人都可能被那些通过提供签约奖金和高额分成成功招聘的经纪人边缘化. 如果你的招聘仅仅基于分裂,那么总会有人有更大的筹码.

If you are going to be successful in recruiting—that is, 雇佣那些能带来利润增长的人——然后认真对待它和你提供的价值.


当你遇到合格的经纪人时,考虑为什么你的经纪公司最适合他们. 你有真正的竞争优势吗,还是你看起来像你的竞争对手? 除此之外,生产主体和边际生产主体之间的差距越来越大. This translates to a shrinking company dollar. 如果你的经纪公司和街上的经纪公司除了招牌的颜色之外没有什么明显的区别, agents will make their decision based on commission split.

Are you seeking experienced agents,
new agents, or both? 以下是你需要知道的

If you’re recruiting experienced agents … 让他们注意到,然后待在那里. Make five calls a day to prospective agents, and set one appointment a week. 还记得, it’s a courtship; they are not joining just because you finally picked up the phone to call. Focus on finding out what they need and want before you start to sell. 研究他们. Read their online profiles and reviews. 分析它们的生产. Look for strengths and weaknesses and address them.

It pays to remember that when you hire an experienced agent, 他或她以前公司的其他代理人会联系你的新代理人,了解他或她加入你的经纪公司的原因. If your new agent is having a positive early experience, you may be positioned for additional hires—provided they meet your standards.

如果你在招募新特工… 注重质量,而不是数量. If you’re getting appointments and the quality isn’t there, ask more pre-appointment questions to help weed out prospects up front. And if you lose new agents that you wanted, 关注他们的进展并保持联系——他们可能得不到承诺的支持.

If you can show you have an effective program for their success, and a track record to support your claims, you are positioned for strong recruiting results.


2021十大正规彩票app行业历来都是根据个性和人际交往能力来招聘的. Will these traits get the job done today? 在寻找你的下一个代理商时,想想今天的市场需要什么.

我们的市场更为复杂, 招聘能够完全理解统计数据以及这些数据如何影响买卖的代理人是至关重要的. Can a prospective agent rise to the standards today’s consumers expect? 你能? 这个潜在的代理人是可训练的吗?

Here are a few ways to maximize your recruiting efforts.

定义目标代理. Are you looking for agents based on their range of production? Newer agents who want the support that you can provide? It’s harder to recruit when you don’t know what you’re looking for. 更糟糕的是, if you don’t know what qualities you want in agents, you may hire people who add nothing to your company.

计算数字来显示你的价值. 像今天的其他人一样,用你的数据来支持你对经纪公司成功的说法. 例如,平均来说,一个新代理商需要多长时间来生产? 一个有经验的代理商加入你们公司后,产量的平均增长是多少? 由于你的管理水平和技术支持,一个有经验的代理平均能节省多少钱? 你懂的. All of this says that what you are doing in your company works.

让你的CRM井然有序. No excuses here; you’ve got to have it.

打个电话. 打个电话. 是的,还有其他联系方式,但电话仍然是改变游戏规则的方式.

使用社交媒体. Facebook is still the 800-pound gorilla, but check out Instagram and any other channels that are relevant. Be where those prospective agents already are. Connect with them on social media and pay attention to what they post. 适当时发表评论. Consider new ways to use LinkedIn—opportunities exist there.

,而不是销售. 展示你的文化、培训、慈善等内容的帖子能让潜在客户更好地了解你.

Use what you learn during recruiting interviews. Good agents are looking for good interviews. Probe for more details from their answers. Write down their responses; it’s a silent way of telling them that what they are saying is important to you, 更不用说它有助于回忆. 至少进行两次面试,如果有必要,可以进行多次面试,直到你确信这是合适的人选. 能够告诉潜在客户你对他们的期望以及他们对你的期望.

Once an agent accepts your offer, make sure your onboarding runs smoothly. If the agent is coming from another brokerage, prepare him or her with what to expect in the exit interview. It’s the first step toward showing your investment in your new relationship.


你有什么流程或计划来确保代理商在当前市场上继续开发和生产? 教代理商建立和发展业务的能力始于公司的培训计划. Successful training strengthens recruiting and retention efforts. 动态培训计划是指代理商学习市场和消费者所需的技能. 利用消费者情报.

任何长期增长的战略都必须与消费者的需求保持一致. Real estate companies must improve the delivery of services, and multi-office companies must strive for consistency within all offices. 最终, 培训计划和要求反映了公司对客户服务重要性的认识.

Brokers and managers must roll up their sleeves, 展示他们的专业知识, and become an integral part of every agent’s business. If this is not evident and credible to agents, why should they work for you?

我仍然听到指令,如, “Our goal is to increase our market share by 20% this year,或者“如果你不生产更多。, 你离开以后.” Just talking has nothing to do with leadership and skilled management. 怎么做呢? Where is the concerted effort directed toward the increases?


用你雇佣的代理人给公司带来的收益来衡量你的招聘结果. It’s easy to hire numbers of agents (especially new agents), but the whole point is profitable growth.