The 2018 Texas REALTORS® Conference from September 7 to September 10 features 40 hours of CE from top instructors covering topics including how to keep your clients coming back, saving money on your taxes, smarter marketing strategies, and tips to avoid legal trouble. 在这里,7位教练回答了与他们的课程有关的问题. 查看活动的完整时间表,并在


Jessica Rector: 当别人在家时,与他们充分接触. 呆在家里还能投入到工作中是很容易的. 所以这意味着把你的手机放在另一个房间, shutting it off, 当它响的时候不要抓住它, when a text comes in, or when you get bored. 允许自己停止工作. 指定一个“休息”时间,并坚持下去. 活在当下,全身心投入,给你的生活增添更多乐趣.

杰西卡·雷克托的课程"避免过度疲劳"时间是上午9:15到11:15.m. on Monday, September 10.


John Torvi: Real estate firms are especially vulnerable to cybercrime due to their access and storage of confidential personal information, 广泛使用电子和社交媒体, 以及对托管和存款资金的认识和获取. While real estate professionals may be skilled in the transaction of real estate business, they, 就像许多中小企业一样, 缺乏更好地抵御网络罪犯所需的IT技能.

Brokers should consider cybercrime coverage that responds to a data breach or theft, ransomware, or extortion attack, as well as computer fraud, wire fraud, and social engineering. 虽然可以采取许多预防措施来尽量减少这种风险, 没有哪个行业能幸免于计算机犯罪. Insurance plans can be developed that are customized to each firm’s unique needs and includes risk management and preventative information.

John Torvi’s session “Cybercrime management for real estate firms … issues and solutions,” is from 1 to 3 p.m. on Monday, September 10.

What is one surprising way a REALTOR® can gain more business through existing clients?

Terri Murphy: 大多数代理商都没有固定客户, 系统的协议,重新激活和培养过去的客户和客户. Here are a couple of quick tips.

  • Go through your database and identify the top 50 people who would provide you a referral this year.
  • 在接下来的12个月里,每个月安排一次个人接触.
  • 不要每个月都打电话要求推荐, but provide a personal, 每个月有意义的接触.
  • Record these touches in your CRM, and after each contact, 安排下个月的下一次接触.

Scheduling one call per week to your top 50 will get you through your list annually.

Terri Murphy has two sessions at this year’s event: “Seven simple systems for seven figure results” is from 9 to 10 a.m. on Friday, September 7, and “Five super strategies for keeping clients for life” is from 8 to 10 a.m. on Saturday, September 8.


Craig Grant: Print advertising. 在进入2021十大正规彩票app行业之前,我为《纽约时报》工作. While I was part of the online/digital divisions, my roots are in the print world. When I left The New York Times in 2005 to begin my journey in the real estate world, the shift for both consumers and advertisers away from print to online had already begun.

Even back then, I would hear the arguments that, “Print isn’t working; the only reason I am in this publication is because my customers expect me to be there.” Fast-forward to 2018, 印刷版报纸的读者人数继续下降, yet many REALTORS® still dedicate a considerable amount of their budgets to newspaper, magazine, and other print offerings. 问题是,你的客户已经转移到网上了. So, 如果你仍然在你的营销组合中使用印刷, make 2018 the year you finally say no more and move those marketing dollars to where your customers are—online.

Craig Grant has two sessions at this year’s event: “Market like a rock star on a roadie budget” from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. 和《2021十大正规彩票app》,从12:45到2:45.m. on Saturday, September 8.


Bruce Gardner: 经纪人需要弄清楚他们的成功方式是什么. In other words, what kind of lead-generation model works for them and their personality? That is one of the hurdles, 因为在弄清楚之前, REALTORS® spend a ton of time trying things and never getting any momentum behind one idea. Conversely, 当REALTORS®弄清楚他们的风格, 他们应该做的一切都是有意义的, 他们开始做正确的事情,变得更有效率. Especially if their chosen style of generating leads matches their personality, 一切都感觉非常自然和真实.

第二个障碍是在业务增长时得不到帮助. It’s when you get to that spot where you’re working full time and not taking care of yourself, and what you really need is help with some of the administrative functions in real estate.

Bruce Gardner has three sessions at this year’s event: “Chasing greatness” from 8 to 9 a.m.; “The seven styles of real estate” from 9:15 to 11:15 a.m.; and “Extreme growth” from 1 to 3 p.m. on Monday, September 10.

What is one way for REALTORS® to provide outstanding customer service to Chinese clients?

Pius Leung: 东西方文化之间存在差异. Understanding of the cultural and business protocol will help setting the foundation to provide outstanding customer service to investors from China.

Pius Leung’s session “Real estate and the Chinese business practices” is from 8:15 to 10:15 a.m. on Saturday, September 8.

What is one of the most common ways REALTORS® violate the Code of Ethics on social media?

Marki Lemons-Ryhal: Presenting content developed by others without attribution or without permission. In several cases, the REALTOR® is sharing a link back to their website where the property was displayed via an IDX feed.

The IDX policy authorizes participants to display IDX listings on public websites, mobile applications, 以及参与者“控制”的音频设备.” For purposes of the policy, “控制”意味着参与者必须有添加的能力, delete, modify, 并根据政策要求更新信息. Posting other brokers’ listings on Facebook may not comply with all of the IDX display requirements (in particular, 列表每12小时更新一次的要求)和可能, therefore, 要求上市经纪人单独授权进行广告宣传.

Marki Lemons-Ryhal has two sessions at this year’s event: “Unethical and unlawful use of social media” from 9:15 to 11:15 a.m. 以及从1点到3点的“实施视频策略以快速获得线索”.m. on Monday, September 10.