The 2020 人口普查 officially kicks off on April 1.

每十年, 根据宪法的规定, the United States counts every resident within its borders. This population count is used to determine the number of seats each 状态 has in the U.S. 众议院, 划分州立法区, and to distribute billions of dollars in federal funds to local communities. REALTORS®可以在确保2020年人口普查准确统计德州人方面发挥重要作用.

“The 人口普查 affects our business more than any other business,沙德·博加尼说, a past 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® chairman and partner specialist with the U.S. Census Bureau working on generating awareness of the 2020 人口普查. “不管你是兼职经纪人, 专职代理, 或代理, you should want to get everyone counted in your community.”




第一条, 宪法第二节要求每10年对美国所有居民进行一次人口普查.




For the first time, the form can be filled out online. Responses can also be returned by 电话 or mail.


人口普查数据被地方、州、联邦政府和私营企业广泛使用. 使用这些数据的三种重要方式是确定美国每个州有多少议员.S. 众议院, 划分州立法区, and distributing more than $675 billion annually in federal funds to tribal, 状态, 地方政府.


除了影响谁代表你在政府和你的社区收到的钱, 人口普查数据用于确定哪些地区有资格获得住房援助和重建贷款, forecasting future transportation needs, 并协助应急响应计划,这只是它影响你的客户和行业的几个方面.


是的. 法律要求人口普查局对所有个人回答保密72年.

德州人口的准确统计将有助于确保该州在全国范围内得到适当的代表,并获得应得的联邦资金. 超过300个联邦开支项目依靠人口普查得出的数据来指导各州的资金分配, 县, 城市, 和家庭. 德克萨斯州在2016财年从55个大型联邦支出项目中获得了近600亿美元,这些项目都是根据2010年人口普查数据制定的, according to George Washington University’s Counting for Dollars Project, 一个研究人口普查和联邦资金分配之间关系的项目.

“人口普查最大的一部分是它给德克萨斯州带来的资金,”博加尼说. “We should want our money to come back into the 状态.”

The data derived from the 2020 人口普查 will help determine funding for schools, 住房援助和贷款项目, 基础设施项目, 交通补贴, 能源援助, 灾难援助, 还有就业援助,这只是2021十大正规彩票app行业将受到影响的几个方面. 私人公司,如开发商和大型雇主或零售连锁店等企业, 杂货店, 特许经营也依赖于人口普查数据来决定在哪里选址,并做出预测来指导他们的投资决策.

人口普查局估计,2010年他们少算了大约239,500名德州居民. 该州大约三分之二的人口生活在人口普查区,在那里,低回答得分(即有人不回答人口普查的可能性)高于平均水平. 人口普查局估计,从2010年的人口普查到2018年,德克萨斯州的人口增长了14%以上, 哪个是最近的估计.

If the 状态’s population were undercounted in 2020, Texas could potentially lose 数十亿美元的资金, 以及推动选区重新划分的数据, 重要的政府服务, and private economic development decisions would be faulty. Some estimates indicate that Texas will add three congressional seats, but an incomplete count could jeopardize that possibility.

How 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® Can Spread Awareness


2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®可以通过多种方式向他们的领域传播有关2020年人口普查重要性的信息. If you’re looking for ways to get involved, start here:

  • Join or start a Complete Count Committee. 欲知详情,请浏览 人口普查.政府.
  • Contact your local REALTOR® association and volunteer to help with 2020 人口普查 efforts.
  • Reach out to current and former clients about the 人口普查.
  • Speak at community events about the importance of the 人口普查.
  • Stress the local benefits to HOAs in areas you work.
  • 添加有关人口普查重要性的信息,以及如何回应你的网站或社交媒体渠道.

访问 texasreale状态.com/2020人口普查 for information about the 人口普查, links to how you can get involved, and more.

“Our role is to make people aware of the 人口普查,” says Bogany. 然后让他们填写调查问卷.”

2020年人口普查表将包括10或11个问题,完成时间约为10分钟. Each household will receive an invitation to complete the questionnaire by mail, 电话, 或者第一次上网. The form will be available in English and Spanish versions to mail, and many different languages will be available online. An in-person interview option may also be available for those who need it. All individual 人口普查 responses are confidential for 72 years.

德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® and NAR are official partners with the U.S. Census Bureau to help drive participation for the 2020 人口普查. 除了, 许多个人2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®和地方委员会自愿提高对2020年人口普查的认识,并鼓励其社区成员做出回应. 例如, Collin County Association of REALTORS® 与协会成员一起制作公益宣传片,用多种语言宣传2020年人口普查.

参与推动2020年人口普查的一个重要方式是加入或组建一个完整的统计委员会. 这些志愿者组织在他们自己的社区里宣传人口普查的重要性, and resources and training are available to members of Complete Count 委员会 to help. The committees can plan kickoff events and rallies, 与其他组织合作, 主持或支持其他活动, Bogany说. 整个州的REALTOR®领导和工作人员都参与了完全计数委员会.

“It’s about smaller groups helping us with the bigger job,” he says. “他们了解当地情况,可以通过有针对性的外展工作帮助我们促进人口普查.”

Bogany has traveled to speak at local REALTOR® associations, 其他行业团体, 以及关于2020年人口普查重要性的地方会议,以及为什么完整的统计对2021十大正规彩票app行业和社区至关重要.

“德克萨斯州是少数几个决定不进行有组织的计票工作的州之一,Bogany说. “That’s going to leave it to us as professionals who count on accurate population counts.”

在过去的立法会议上,德克萨斯州没有通过任何拨款或在全州范围内努力确保准确计票的措施. In contrast, California will spend as much as $154 million on the 2020 人口普查.

“If 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® are setting the tone, that brings in other businesses who realize they benefit too,Bogany说. “We have standing in our communities and this 状态, and this is for a good cause.”