商业客户通常不会给你打电话. 随着时间的推移,你必须找到他们并赢得他们的业务. 但是你要怎么做呢? 你从哪里开始呢?

德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®杂志询问了威廉C. 詹宁斯奖, 州REALTOR®协会颁发的年度杰出商业交易的荣誉. 以下是他们的2021十大正规彩票app.


塞萨尔日志, 2021年获奖者: 我发了很多直接邮件. 通过数据库, 我可以找到收件人,如需要再融资的业主和业主自住的物业,他们可能不知道售后回租. 我开车经过物业,寻找危险信号:维护不善和空置率较高. 这些可能是无力管理房产的迹象. 投资者喜欢这些资产.

I send frequent educational emails along with commercial lenders, 保险经纪人, 银行家, 服务公司. 没有多少人愿意接到电话或请求, but they can appreciate educational tips such as information on property taxes, 保险责任范围, 或者利率.

Doing this allows me to contact more prospects and educate them at the same time.

我发现对商业业主的勘探和对住宅2021十大正规彩票app的勘探没有什么不同, except the content and format may be more serious or investor-targeted rather than fun, 季节性, 或者以家庭为导向. 制作YouTube视频可能不会立即建立潜在客户列表,但会产生可信度.

许多投资者都在寻找现金流. I can educate the owner that instead of selling now, we can lease a vacant property. 一旦这样做了,出售可能就不是什么大挑战了. 只是需要时间、精力和客户的教育.

将北部2019年获奖者: Volunteer your time at real estate-related nonprofits and governmental bodies, 例如公共改善地区委员会, 城市规划委员会, 规划委员会. 也转换潜在客户接触到现有的列表.

李·惠勒, 2018 winner: Great commercial clients are cultivated over time. You build a relationship with them so they do not just work with you, 他们成为值得信赖的资源和推荐伙伴. To do this you have to look at who you want and then go out and cultivate them. Let them get to know you before you ever ask for their business.

不加勒特2016年获奖者: 注意并与周围的房产保持联系. A business may be expanding, downsizing, or looking for an additional location. 寻找空置物业和空置土地. 这和在居民区种地没什么区别,但范围更广.

杰夫康涅狄格州)2015年获奖:我在商业地产领域的专长是办公和仓储领域. 在15.做这行5年了,很多客户都是推荐的,但是 I have a lot of new clients that are made through personal relationships and prospecting.

肯Wimberly, 2012年的获奖者:今天我很幸运,我几乎100%的商业客户都来自重复和推荐. 在我职业生涯的早期,我花了很多时间与那些正在建立重要企业的人建立关系. Many of those people have become repeat clients and dear friends; some have even become business partners.


情感日志: 不断的交流. There are several ways to do it: mail, email, phone, or social media. LinkedIn对我很有帮助. I also regularly email or send YouTube videos to them via WhatsApp.


惠勒你必须专注于这段关系. What do you know about your clients, their business, their industry? You must know more than they know for you to truly gain their lifelong business. 读他们所读行业的期刊. 了解他们公司的历史. 尽量从个人层面去了解他们. 成为他们不可或缺的.

加勒特: Know your properties, be responsive, and be accurate in what you say and deliver.

康涅狄格州要跑马拉松,而不是短跑. 关系需要时间,建立起来也很缓慢. Don’t neglect taking the time to get to know your clients or potential future clients. 了解你的市场和其中的参与者. 当你建立了这些关系,并一直表现出来, 你会被称为商业专家.

Wimberly: Find ways at every opportunity to add value to the people you interact with. 很多次, your prospects or clients are much more knowledgeable in an asset class than you are, 尤其是在你职业生涯的早期. 然而, you very likely have knowledge or expertise in other topics that could be very beneficial. You might also have contacts in your network that could be of benefit. 在一个案例中, 我成为了我的一个客户开始的健身项目的责任合伙人. 我们最终成为了好朋友,然后是商业伙伴.

寻找新客户的挑战是什么, 代理商和经纪人如何克服这些困难?

情感日志与潜在客户接触是很有挑战性的, but it is more challenging to ask them to differentiate between agents. 许多潜在客户都收到了大量的请求,以至于他们不知道谁可以帮助他们的商业资产. 我的回答是 坚持不懈地教育客户从事商业地产所需的资质.

北部:时间管理. 优先考虑勘探,尤其是在经济放缓的情况下.

惠勒当前最大的障碍是互联网和他们可以在网上获得的即时信息. The sad part is that 90% of that information is wrong and 误导. You need to overcome this by being a resource for them to get information. Seek out what they are seeking and when you find it, connect them with those who can help. Above all, forget about yourself and focus on the needs of others. By focusing on the needs of others you will easily fulfill your own needs. 你会发现钱并不是你真正的动力. Helping others is what drives those who build lifelong clients into lifelong friends. 成为任何需要帮助的人的问题解决者.

加勒特在你的社区中保持活跃和高可见度. 成为专家. 有有效的,一致的,不同类型的广告. 宣传教育和专业知识. 每个企业,无论大小,都是一个潜在的客户. 每一通电话都和最后一通电话一样重要. 我的座右铭是:“我越努力,我就越幸运。.”

康涅狄格州: Today’s clients are sophisticated and likely have done their research on you. They have access to listings where before they could only find them through agents. 每个代理商和商业2021十大正规彩票app公司都应该以一种显示他们是行业专家的方式来推销他们的服务和代理商. 坚持是关键. Agents who continue to show up day after day are the ones who will win the business.

Wimberly: One of the great challenges people face today is the lack of personal interaction. Too many people sit behind a screen and talk to their “friends” via social media. 我认为走出办公室是至关重要的, 与人见面, 真正去了解别人. 参加社交活动, 快乐的时间, 经济的更新, 早餐会议, 现场培训课程. You never know where you might meet the best client of your career.


Ginger Unger是一名2021十大正规彩票app教育家和注册商业投资会员(CCIM),他在商业2021十大正规彩票app和住宅投资方面拥有30多年的经验. 她教授德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®德州认证商业专家指定的必修课程. Here’s what she had to say about finding and cultivating commercial clients.


You can utilize these services to obtain databases of investors, 租户, 和房东沟通:

  • BigBoysBlast
  • CoStar公共记录
  • 数据轴
  • LoopNet
  • MarketViewer帮助获取当前市场信息
  • MSCI不动产资本分析
  • PropertyBlast
  • PropertySend
  • REALTORS® Property Resource for prospecting using commercial property ownership records. 使用过滤器 公共记录. Focus on five to 10-year ownership periods; these owners may consider a sale or 1031 exchange.
  • Reonomy
  • 租户基地


  • 建筑业主和经理人协会(BOMA)的地方分会
  • CCIM Institute and Society of Industrial and Office REALTORS® (SIOR) local chapters
  • 商会
  • 商业 Real Estate Development Association (NAIOP) local chapters
  • 工业贸易组织,如制造业, 办公室, 保险, 医疗, 零售, 或多户型
  • 在拉斯维加斯举行的公务员制度委员会年会
  • 本地商用铺装板
  • 地方规划和分区委员会. Attend rezoning meetings to learn who are the key players in your marketplace
  • 为慈善机构和非营利组织做志愿者


Once you have identified prospects from these and other sources, 你可以开始发介绍信了, 销售信, 明信片, 投资者商业物业所在区域的租赁和销售分析. 成为潜在客户感兴趣领域的专家. Offer free broker price opinions and information that pertains to the investor, 租户, 或者是房东的事.

Newsletters can include educational articles on topics such as: the current state of the commercial market and current interest rates; tax incentives; whether cap rates are compressing; how to analyze cap rates on an investment property; 1031 exchange requirements; optimizing purchasing in an opportunity zone; and utilizing sale-lease back transactions to gain capital to expand businesses.

试着每天至少和一个新的潜在客户或以前的客户安排一次午餐或咖啡会议,以继续产生线索. At some point, you should be on a referral basis with commercial clients.


努力成为商业地产各个领域的专家. 大多数投资者都能判断出你是否具备你在简历上所描述的专业技能.


It takes time to cultivate relationships in the commercial real estate industry, 人脉是关键. 商业代理严重依赖他们的关系和联系来完成交易. 你将为你的客户寻找市场外的房产. This is a large part of why investors hire commercial brokers; they are seeking your connections to build their portfolios. 请记住,大多数投资者都可以访问LoopNet和CoStar.

进入商业2021十大正规彩票app行业的成本远远高于住宅2021十大正规彩票app行业. 新探员试图走捷径, 比如不订阅商业地产市场营销和编制商业地产数据所需的商业上市平台. Most investors have subscriptions to all commercial listing platforms, 如果他们使用的中介在这些平台上没有房产,他们很快就会知道. 这一项可能对一个新的商业代理是有害的.

代理商必须有适当的上市平台和工具来处理商业交易, just like having MLS access is a critical requirement for the residential industry. Completing training and having a mentor is also key to succeeding in this industry. 贸然进行商业交易的风险太高了.

Any agent can learn and be trained in the commercial real estate industry. It just takes time to develop your brand, reputation, and education base. 我坚信像CCIM和SIOR这样的项目可以为新的和经验丰富的商业2021十大正规彩票app经纪人建立他们的知识基础. No two commercial transactions will be the same; having a solid education in commercial real estate will make the difference your success.