
The best way to stay up to date on changes at the Texas Capitol is to subscribe to the 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® Legislative Liaison e-newsletter.

Subscribers receive frequent updates on real estate-related legislation during sessions and periodically during interim years.

通过你的个人资料注册 德州realestate.com/liaison. 只需选中“立法联络”框,然后单击“保存”.

The legislative session that convenes in January 2021 likely won’t look like any other in our state’s history due to changes brought about by COVID-19. 和所有会议一样, 虽然, 想法将会被讨论, 法案会被通过和否决, 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®将参与其中的每一步.



The 87th Texas Legislature will include several freshmen among the 31 members of the Texas Senate and 150 members of the 德州的房子 of Representatives.

既然这些候选人都当选了, REALTORS® are working to build new relationships and foster existing ones to ensure the REALTOR® voice is heard at every level of 政府ernment.

The state’s changing needs will likely bring new priorities and a focus on issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic.













预计议员们将就州项目的资金问题进行一些激烈的辩论, 因为该州进入2021年的资金明显少于预期.



德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® staff reviews every piece of legislation filed each session to ensure the interests of real estate consumers and professionals are protected.


  • 7851项法案被提交
  • 德克萨斯州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®的16名工作人员审查了每一份提交的账单
  • 有2784项法案可能影响2021十大正规彩票app. 工作人员追踪了每一张账单, 所以协会可以支持, 反对, or monitor bills based on whether they would be favorable or a hindrance to real estate consumers or professionals.

美国.S. 人口普查局于2020年进行了全国人口普查,以更新人口统计.

The count helps ensure communities receive their share of more than $675 billion per year in federal funds for schools, 医院, 道路, 以及其他重要项目.

The census count is also used for drawing updated district lines to determine representation in the Texas Senate, 德州的房子, U.S. 来自德克萨斯州的国会代表团,德克萨斯州教育委员会和州司法区.

The Texas Legislature is responsible for drawing and adopting district boundaries as 重划选区 bills before the sessions ends. 通过的法案然后交给州长签署成为法律.

If 立法机关 fails to pass a 重划选区 bill or if the 政府ernor vetoes a 重划选区 bill, 这项责任由立法区重划委员会负责.

欲知详情,请浏览 重划选区.国会大厦.德州.政府.



德克萨斯州国会大厦的REALTOR®日, where thousands of members from across the state visit with their state representatives and senators each legislative session, 是协会立法努力的主要组成部分吗.

这个草根活动本地化了, 人性化, 并加强了协会的立法议程, 让议员与选民面对面.

目前, 虽然, 由于COVID-19大流行,德克萨斯州国会大厦对游客关闭, 这可能会影响2021年德克萨斯州国会大厦的亲自参观.


德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® have remained in close communication with lawmakers through virtual visits and can readily use these tools to connect with elected officials to ensure real estate advocacy continues.

The COVID-19 pandemic provided several opportunities for elected officials to exercise authority in emergencies.

在2021年会议上, lawmakers will likely take up legislation that clarifies when emergency authority may be granted to the 政府ernor, 立法机关, 或者地方政府.


In 2019, 立法机关 passed significant reforms to the state’s public school finance system (House Bill 3).

This REALTOR®-supported law is a comprehensive reform of the state’s public school finance system and property tax system to lessen the burden on local property taxpayers while increasing the state’s investment in educators and students.

德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® expects 立法机关 to seek ways to maintain the commitment to school funding that was made in HB 3.


This year has illustrated the importance of technology access and its importance for educational and economic success.

德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® expects to see legislation filed that supports the development of and increased access to broadband technologies throughout the state.


德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® has been working to educate taxpayers statewide on the property tax system and changes resulting from the passage of property tax reform laws in 2019.

访问 knowyourtaxes.org 了解更多.


这场大流行也凸显了德州人获得医疗保健的必要性, 包括该州人口较少地区的医疗保健需求.

Lawmakers are likely to propose bills related to health insurance and hospital development in rural areas.


In 2019, REALTOR®-supported property tax reform legislation (Senate Bill 2) brought monumental changes to the state’s property tax system.

Lawmakers are expected to take up legislation that would further clarify the reform’s intent to inform taxpayers and increase taxpayer engagement in the property tax process.



在两届会议之间的中间年份, 税务公共政策问题委员会成员, 土地使用, 基础设施, and Business 问题 spend hours hearing from subject-matter experts and researching issues identified by members.

然后他们向公共政策监督委员会提出2021十大正规彩票app, and the recommendations are 发布 on the 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® website to receive feedback from all members.

最终的2021十大正规彩票app将提交给协会的执行委员会. 经执行局批准后, the Legislative Management Team (LMT) prioritizes the issues and develops the association’s strategy for the upcoming legislative session.

会议期间, LMT成员经常收到德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®政府事务人员的更新, 谁负责执行LMT的决策.

在会议期间, 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®领导人和成员可以作证支持或反对立法. Lawmakers depend on these professional perspectives about how a proposed bill may affect communities locally or statewide.