了解现有的Texas REALTORS®形式发生了哪些变化,以及采用了哪些新形式.

Earlier this year, Texas REALTORS®工作组审查了协会的形式,并提出了变化和新形式. 这些提案于今年4月公布,各成员有一个月的时间提交意见. The task forces discussed all the comments and feedback and adopted the following changes and new forms.

This article does not address every change made to every form; it is a summary of substantive changes. 要查看所有采用的更改的红线,请访问 teehouse-golf.com/adopted 看看7月8日. 要查看新表格,请访问 teehouse-golf.com/realtorforms 并搜索表单名称或编号.

所有通过和修订的表格于7月8日生效,并于 teehouse-golf.com,以及其他经批准的Texas REALTORS®表格供应商.


  • 现代化的各方2021十大正规彩票app.
  • Added language to clarify that a broker has a right to terminate a representation agreement if a client defaults.
  • Added a disclosure of the location of a property in a public improvement district or municipal utility district.

Q: 为什么移除预先选中的框?

A: 对于其中许多方框,双方可能没有将该表格附在合同上. Having a checked box where no form is attached creates confusion and potential legal risk for you. 例如,在 经纪服务资料 form, 代理商与潜在买家的第一次实质性沟通, tenants, sellers, 和房东有关的具体不动产, 哪些需要提供表格, 可以在签署代理协议之前发生吗. 而一些经纪公司也可能将其包含在代理协议中, 不需要当时特别提供.

Whose forms?

此更新中的更改和新形式仅适用于由Texas REALTORS®创建的形式. 作为Texas REALTORS®的成员, you get exclusive access to more than 150 forms to assist you and your clients in a variety of situations. The Texas Real Estate Commission is currently considering updates to the forms it promulgates for use by all license holders. TREC表格的任何更新都可能在2023年被采用.

Residential Forms

TXR 1925


  • Added a section for the buyers to specify whether they have seen the property in person or whether they are purchasing the property sight-unseen.
  • Added a section where the buyers will indicate whether they have chosen to have the property reinspected after repairs are completed.
  • Added a section where the buyers will indicate whether they have chosen to purchase a residential service contract.
  • 更新标题,以反映这些补充: 买方履约、确认和验收表.

TXR 1935, TXR 1936


工作组2021十大正规彩票app取消这些表格. 然而,成员们对保留它们表示了压倒性的支持. 因此,这些表单将继续可用.

TXR 2301


Added a place for the broker to authorize the geographic areas and disciplines in which the associate is authorized to practice.

TXR 1608, TXR 1609


Added that if the buyer elects to terminate pursuant to provisions related to the delivery of update of a Condominium Information Statement, 买方将得到定金的退款.

Q: On the 买方履约和验收表如果卖方支付了住宅服务合同的费用呢?

A: The TREC 一至四户住宅合约(转售) 规定买受人可以购买住宅服务合同. 如果买方购买这样一份合同, the seller shall reimburse the buyer at closing for the cost of the residential service contract. 这种形式的新语言反映了合同语言.



An agreement for a referral fee to be paid to a broker who has referred a prospective client to another broker.

Q: Why does the 经纪人之间的转介协议 包括一个复选框,检查推荐经纪人是否提供了IRS W-9或其他IRS表格?

A: W-9表向需要提交1099表的一方提供必要的信息. That information includes identifying information and it specifies whether the payee is an individual or corporation. It is a good idea to request a W-9 from all parties you compensate to help you assess the need to file a 1099 based on the corporate or non-corporate status of the entity and to ensure you are providing accurate information on the 1099 when you do need to file. 因此,它包含在此表单中.

Commercial Forms


An agreement for a referral fee to be paid to a broker who has referred a prospective client to another broker.

TXR 1408


  • 澄清这个表格可以被转租的转租者使用.
  • 将洪水披露扩展到住宅中的镜像语言 卖方披露通知.

TXR 1801


  • 可行性期的独立考虑现已交付给产权公司.
  • Additional money paid by the buyer for the extension of the feasibility period may now be considered as additional earnest money and/or independent consideration.
  • Clarified that the seller is only required to deliver to the buyer property information that is in the seller’s possession.
  • Clarified that an overnight delivery service is an acceptable method to deliver notices under the agreement.
  • The term legal holiday was changed to 联邦储备银行假日.
  • 反映了卖方提供公共改善区域披露表的要求.

TXR 2101

Commercial Lease

  • 的条款 商业租赁费用报销附录 (TXR 2103)已直接纳入 Commercial Lease 根据第4J段.
  • Landlords were given the authority to reserve portions of the common area parking for a specific tenant’s short-term use (i.e.(路边取货处).

新表格:TXR 1419


可用于终止任何Texas REALTORS®商业上市协议.

Leasing & 物业管理表格

  • 将所有宠物的引用改为动物.

TXR 1102


  • Added a notice making landlords aware of the risks of refusing a valid request for an assistance animal.
  • 删除的预选中框 经纪服务资料 under Paragraph 19.

TXR 2001

Residential Lease

  • 明确了在哪里支付租金的措辞, 还增加了谁可以接受第一个月房租的选项.
  • 增加了明确租户必须为援助动物提供文件的语言.
  • 增加了一个问题,让房东注意该物业是否是HOA的一部分.
  • 增加了禁止种植的规定, growth, consumption, 或分销大麻植物或产品.
  • Added a prohibition against listing the property on lodging/short term rental websites and added language about guest stay limits.
  • 补充说,所有未偿还的债务都将收取18%的利息或法律允许的最高利息.

TXR 2003


  • 增加了一个问题,询问申请人在申请之前是否看过房产.
  • 增加了一个问题,询问是否有动物被识别为援助动物.

TXR 2201


  • Added language to cover fees if the property is not leased on the date the agreement ends and owner terminates the agreement.
  • 增加了涵盖福利计划或福利包的补偿的语言.
  • Added language to clarify that a broker is not responsible for performing or certifying any inspections or surveys that may be required by local, state, 或者联邦法规.

New Forms:

TXR 2016


Provides additional space for tenants and occupants to insert information that would not be inserted in the lease.

TXR 2017


询问租客在签租约前是否看过房产, 房客们看待这件事的态度, and provides notice that the tenants who lease the property sight-unseen do so at their own risk.

TXR 2018


Allows the landlord and tenant to agree to a recurring monthly fee instead of a security deposit.

TXR 2228



TXR 2229



Q: 为什么在租赁表格中将“宠物”改为“动物”?

A: Tenants were confused about the term pet and what constitutes a service animal in the leasing forms. 为了保持一致性,所有Texas REALTORS®租赁和物业管理表格都进行了更改.

Q: Why is there a 住宅租赁未见附录 但对于住宅销售来说,这不是一种未见过的形式?

A: 新的看不见的语言被添加到 买方的演练、确认和验收 form (TXR 1925). 由于时间的原因,租约的处理方式有所不同. 租客在租约开始时表明他们是否亲自看过房产, 签租约的时候. 在销售交易中, 买家在交易结束时签署是否亲自看过房产, 关门前.

Q: What is the 关于代替保证金的费用的附录 我必须使用它吗?

A: 表单是可选的. The Texas Legislature passed a bill to allow landlords to accept a monthly fee from a tenant instead of charging a security deposit. 这个表单提供了这个. 房东甚至可以选择向租户提供这种选择. 该费用按月支付,不可退还,并与租金同时支付. The agreement to pay a fee in lieu of a security deposit must be in writing and signed by the landlord and tenant. A landlord may not use a prospective tenant’s choice to pay a fee or security deposit in the determination of whether to approve a lease applicant.