If you want to get started in commercial real estate, the Texas Accredited 商业 Specialist certification is for you. TACS teaches you how to represent clients, perform market analyses, 谈判, and understand property development and management.

TACS has three required courses: Introduction to 商业 Real Estate, 商业 Real Estate Property Development, and 商业 Real Estate Marketing & 谈判.

Each has new sessions scheduled for the fall. Look for courses in Arlington, 奥斯丁, 丹顿, 埃尔帕索, 沃斯堡, 德克萨斯州的哈林根, 休斯顿, 大理石瀑布, 新布朗费尔斯, 圣安东尼奥, 南帕德雷岛, 韦科, 和韦瑟福德. Some include remote options. 即日起在 teehouse-golf.com/findacourse!