Seniors Real Estate Specialist Designation Course

SRES指定课程通过扩展人生阶段如何影响2021十大正规彩票app选择的知识,帮助2021十大正规彩票app专业人士发展50岁及以上2021十大正规彩票app市场的业务建设技能和资源. This course seeks to instill knowledge, understanding, 以及对50岁及以上的2021十大正规彩票app客户和顾客的同情. To find the next available course, visit and choose Seniors Real Estate Specialist Designation Course from the Course dropdown menu.


Zelda Cain and Reba Saxon, 谁教授高级2021十大正规彩票app专家(SRES)指定课程, 在与资深客户合作时,推荐以下策略:

Know Who Makes Decisions and Who Stays Informed

您的客户可能涉及其他决策者,例如成年子女. 凯恩说,让你的客户以书面形式列出谁应该参与其中,并让他们了解情况. Make sure the list stays current; the decision makers may change during the transaction.

你的客户和这些决策者的沟通方式可能不同——也许你的客户喜欢打电话,而成年的孩子更喜欢发短信. 撒克逊补充说,一定要适应自己的喜好,让每个人都参与进来.


Know What They’re Looking For


撒克逊说,买家客户正在寻找可访问性和老化的能力. That can mean single story houses, 可容纳助行器或轮椅的浴室和门口, and places to install ramps.

First floor bedrooms, bathtubs, 方便轮椅使用的淋浴设施是理想的家庭设施, Cain says. Proximity to goods and services, such as doctors’ offices and grocery stores, is also a consideration.

Learn What Clients Expect from You


凯恩说:“如果你说你要做某事,他们就会期待你去做。. “如果你说你要在某个时间出现在某个地点, be there five minutes beforehand.”

凯恩2021十大正规彩票app每周跟进两到三次,让高级客户了解交易的最新进展. 主动提出和他们一起检查检验报告和其他文件. 确保你的客户理解这个过程中的每一步.

Bring copies of important paperwork. “资深买家已经到了使用电子签名的地步, but they really like paper,” she says.

Do Your Homework

Some older clients have unique circumstances. 他们可能对研究反向抵押贷款或65岁以上的免税资格感兴趣. They may want to purchase a home using a trust. Be prepared to refer clients to estate lawyers or CPAs.

“Seniors are not going to be as agile at locating people. 因此,为值得信赖的专业人士寻找推荐可能是REALTOR®提供的服务中极其重要的一部分,” Saxon says.

Be Patient

年纪大的买家可能会做出更慢的决定,因为他们担心做出错误的选择, Saxon says. It may take a while to get the house ready to sell; your clients may need to part with some possessions.


“卖房子不仅仅是换房子那么简单,还有很多事情要做.” Saxon adds. “They could be changing their level of independence. There could be a lot of emotion involved.”