The aim of the Fair Housing Act is simple: to prevent discrimination in housing-related matters. People should have equal access to housing and housing-related services regardless of race, color, 宗教, 性, 残疾, 家族的地位, 或者国籍. 但事实证明,实现这一目标具有挑战性. 不公平的做法——有意无意的——持续存在,对个人造成有害影响, 家庭, 和社区. 通过培训, 意识, 和行动, REALTORS®可以带头确保《2021十大正规彩票app》实现50多年前制定的目标.


《2021十大正规彩票app》于2019年11月播出的一份调查报告引起了2021十大正规彩票app行业及其他行业的关注. 这项为期三年的调查在长岛进行, 纽约, 并提供了对2021十大正规彩票app经纪人和代理商从事不平等待遇的方式的见解.


Newsday has published an extensive interactive article about its investigation 在付费墙之外. 您还可以在该页面上找到关于三年调查的完整41分钟纪录片.

这项调查依靠成对的测试者来评估2021十大正规彩票app经纪人是否对人们不公平. Paired testing—often used by fair housing advocates and the U.S. 司法部和地方政府当局——可以揭露住房歧视的方法,这些方法比明显的违规行为更微妙.

The testers were actors who were given details to memorize about their lives and situations. Testers in a pair presented themselves with similar circumstances, such as financial situation and housing-related requests; however, 两个测试者的种族是不同的.

The testers visited 93 agents in 12 different brokerages on Long Island. 他们秘密记录了240小时的互动. Experiences for the two testers in a pair were compared to note disparate treatment.

Unequal treatment of minorities was observed in 40% of the tests.

  • Asian testers received unequal treatment 19% of the time
  • Hispanic testers received unequal treatment 39% of the time
  • Black testers received unequal treatment 49% of the time.

Examples of how agents treated testers differently included:

  • Asking a minority tester to get preapproved before showing that tester homes, 而不需要预先
  • 尽管测试人员提出了相同的需求和目标,但还是将两个测试人员引导到不同的社区.
  • Requesting ID from a minority tester without asking for ID from a white tester.
  • 只向一组中的白人测试者提供有关犯罪或社区种族构成的信息.

通常在测试中, the 行动s of an agent were not indicative of a fair housing violation when viewed in isolation. 只有在比较两名测试者的经历时,不平等待遇才会变得明显. 例如, 如果代理要求所有买家都这样做,那么要求买家在向该人展示房屋之前获得抵押贷款资格预审并不违法. 当中介以受保护阶层之一的资格预审为条件来展示房屋时,这就成为了一个公平的住房问题, 如种族.

调查还发现,长岛的中介和经纪人在公平的住房培训方面存在问题. 《2021十大正规彩票app》记者参观了6个培训课程,并向公平住房专家展示了培训笔记和成绩单. The experts deemed five of the six classes “sometimes or often inaccurate, 不完整的, 让人困惑, 或缺乏数量和质量,报道称.



Cities or other jurisdictions may include other protected classes, such as age.

于1968年签署成为法律, the Civil Rights Act prohibited discrimination related to the sale, 租赁, and financing of housing based on four protected classes: race, color, 宗教, 还有国籍. 1974年的一项修正案将性别列为受保护类别. 1988年增加了残疾和家庭状况.

The Fair Housing Act prohibits the following activities:

  • 拒绝出租或出售房屋的
  • 拒绝协商住房问题
  • 使住房不可用
  • 拒绝居住
  • Setting different terms, conditions, or privileges for sale or 租赁 of a dwelling
  • 提供不同的住宿服务或设施
  • Falsely denying that housing is available for inspection, sale, or 租赁
  • 从事轰动一时的实践
  • 拒绝任何人进入或成为与房屋出售或租赁有关的设施或服务(如多重挂牌服务)的会员
  • 威胁, 强迫, 令人生畏的, 或干涉任何人行使公平住房权或协助他人行使该权利
  • 广告或发表任何声明,表明基于某一受保护阶层的限制或偏好.


今年一月, 全国2021十大正规彩票app经纪人协会领导一致通过了一项名为ACT的公平住房行动计划, 即问责制, 文化的改变, 和培训. 该计划的目标是确保所有2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®尽一切可能保护住房权利.

德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® is running radio ads during April touting REALTORS®’ commitment to fair housing. Consumers can also find information about fair housing at


  • 与州REALTOR®协会合作,确保州许可法律包括有效的公平住房培训要求,并使2021十大正规彩票app经纪人对其公平住房义务负责.
  • Launch a public-service announcement campaign that reaffirms NAR’s commitment to fair housing, 以及消费者如何报告问题.
  • Integrate fair housing into all REALTOR® conferences and engagements.
  • Explore the creation of a voluntary self-testing program, 与一个公平住房组织合作, 作为经纪人和其他需要代理实践的机密报告的人的资源,以便他们可以解决问题.
  • 建立更加健全公平的住房教育, 包括无意识偏见训练, and education on how the 行动s of REALTORS® shape communities.
  • Conduct a national study to determine what factors motivate discrimination.
  • Profile leaders who exemplify the best fair housing practices and workplace diversity.
  • 开发材料,帮助2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®向消费者提供有关学校的信息,避免公平住房陷阱.

全国2021十大正规彩票app经纪人协会最近采取的其他措施包括成立一个公平住房政策委员会,并雇用一名长期受雇于美国2021十大正规彩票app经纪人协会的雇员.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development as its director of fair housing policy.

Training Options for Agents, Brokerages, and Local Associations

教育 is one component of improving fair housing compliance. 成员 can locate fair housing courses through the 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® 寻找课程工具.

当地REALTORS®协会可以安排德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®批准的公平住房课程或申请批准新课程. 联系专业发展部 or 512-480-8200.

经纪公司也可以通过直接联系讲师来为他们的业务安排培训课程. 对德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®认可的讲师感兴趣的经纪人也可以联系专业发展部.

NAR还提供 在家获得多元化认证 作为一门在线课程.

教育, 意识, 行动, 热切地做正确的事情将确保《2021十大正规彩票app》中设定的目标成为现实.


  1. 真或假? Sex offenders are a protected class under fair housing laws.
  2. 真或假? Fair housing laws only protect minorities within each of the protected classes.
  3. 真或假? Local laws must not include additional protected classes that are not covered by federal law.
  4. 真或假? 包含与无障碍相关的属性描述的广告(例如“四楼无电梯”或“步入式衣柜”), 服务或设施(例如“慢跑径”), or neighborhoods (“walk to bus stop”) do not violate the Fair Housing Act.
  5. 真或假? 作为合理的住宿,房东不能对辅助动物收取单独的押金. 6. 真或假? A landlord cannot request a photo ID with a lease application.
  6. 真或假? A landlord can refuse to rent a property to a prospective tenant who smokes.

答案:1)错误. 2)错误. Fair housing laws apply to everyone based on the protected classes. 3)假. Some local laws may prohibit discrimination on characteristics such as veteran status, 婚姻状况, 或者学生身份. 4)正确的. 使用这种语言的广告似乎不会违反基于HUD决定的公平住房法. 5)真. However, the tenant would still be legally responsible for any damage caused by such an animal. 6)假. 房东只能使用申请人带照片的身份证件来核实身份和/或检查犯罪记录, 租赁的历史, 或者信用记录. 房东必须统一一致, 要求所有申请者提交, and never use the photo ID to discriminate against an applicant. 7) True, as long as such a prohibition is consistently enforced.