
Sales volume, price up in 2009-Q4 according to 德克萨斯州季度住房报告

First-time homebuyer tax credit, homeowner-friendly public policies cited as keys to market strength


According to data provided by the Real Estate Center at Texas A&米大学, Texas’ housing market saw increases in sales volume and price in the fourth quarter of 2009. As reported in the first 德克萨斯州季度住房报告, Texas’ sales volume for single-family homes for 2009-Q4 was 53,050, up 16 percent from the same quarter of 2008. The median home price in Texas also saw increases, from $140,100 in 2008-Q4 to $143,400 in the same quarter of 2009, a 2.增长35%.

“While figures throughout the last quarter of 2009 were positive compared to 2008, they were particularly positive in October and November, which makes it clear that the first-time homebuyer tax credit is having an impact in Texas,吉姆·盖恩斯说, Ph.D., an economist with the Real Estate Center. “The increase in median price also stands out, particularly compared to national figures, 这一比例大幅下降.”

Texas also saw a decrease in the number of months of inventory in the market over the quarter, 从6.6个月至6个月.5个月. Months inventory is an indicator of the supply of homes for sale in a market relative to the demand for homes. 2021十大正规彩票app中心通常使用6.5个月 as the benchmark for a balanced market, meaning a reasonable supply of houses is being offered for sale relative to demand on a monthly basis.

比尔。琼斯, 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人协会主席, commented on the results: “We’re encouraged to see Texas’ real estate market performing well, 无论是销量还是价格. Our state has been fortunate throughout the economic downturn and it’s encouraging to see that continue with robust results like these.”

One reason the Texas REALTORS® cites for Texas’ strong real estate market is a legislative environment that promotes homeownership. In the last session of the Texas Legislature, Texas Realtors advocated to reform the state’s property appraisal system to improve fairness for homeowners. Texas Realtors succeeded in requiring appraisal districts to adopt a uniform set of standards for appraisals and supported legislation that strengthened homeowners’ rights against seizure of private property under eminent domain.

琼斯主席继续说, “Homeowners interact with Realtors every day, but very few know what the Realtor organization does to protect their property rights. From appraisal reform and eminent domain to property tax reduction, Texas Realtors are vigilant in ensuring Texas remains a great place to buy and sell a home.”

The economic picture may not look as positive in the future, however. Gaines explained: “Foreclosures in 2008 and 2009 were driven by subprime mortgages, which did not affect Texas as much as other parts of the country. 然而, a new wave of foreclosures is expected starting in 2010 driven by unemployment among those with prime mortgages. A larger number of these foreclosures will impact Texas.”

“Texas weathered the last few years relatively well, but we’re not out of the woods,” said Jones. “We’re in the midst of election season and Texas Realtors are selecting the candidates they support carefully. When lawmakers go back to work in 2011, they’ll face a big budget deficit and tough decisions. 就像他们做的那样, they must remember how important a strong real estate market has been to protecting the livelihoods of Texans. They must also ensure they don’t increase the tax burden homeowners can barely afford now and risk damaging one of our state’s most effective economic drivers.”

To view the 德克萨斯州季度住房报告 for 2009-Q4 完整的,请访问 TexasRealEstate.com.

About the 德克萨斯州季度住房报告

Data for the 德克萨斯州季度住房报告 is provided by the Data Relevance Project, a partnership among local REALTOR® associations and their 美国职业足球大联盟, and Texas REALTORS®, with analysis by the Texas Real Estate 研究 Center at Texas A&米大学. The report provides quarterly real estate sales data for Texas and 25 metropolitan statistical areas in the state. 德州2021十大正规彩票app 年回顾报告 在二月和 德州2021十大正规彩票app年中报告 in August are released in lieu of the Q2 and Q4 reports each year.